Designed to help Black and Asian Women succeed in Business

Signature Of Success



Register fo 6-month group mentoring and coaching program for ambitious Black and Asian female founders

We kick off our next cohort shortly – are you with us? Doors for the EARLY BIRD offer closes on 31st at 11.59pm. Additional payment options available below


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It’s lonely at the top, trust me I know.  You’ve had to navigate so many roadblocks in your business journey and struggled to find others who truly understand your path.  You may have felt unseen, trying so many different approaches to get noticed but feel like you’re only treading water.



You have had to deal with continual Bias, Microagressions, and discrimination which may leave you feeling exhausted and that it’s an impossible task as you’re being held back.

This can leave your confidence knocked, but I’ve got the answer for you!


Isn't it time to change that?

Unapologetically Exclusive Group Mentoring for Black & Asian Women

Inside I’ll help you understand why Black and Asian women, can stunt their attempts to level up their business;


I’ll help you set realistic but stretching goals, and be given the tools to achieve them without procrastination and overwhelm; 


You’ll learn to increase your visibility and your voice in your businesses;


Develop your unique method for leverage opportunities for investment opportunities and business management skills; 


Learn how to build resilience, and Manage Bias, Microagressions, and discrimination; 


Importantly you’ll build a quality network of support and community with like minded women of colour;


So if you’re ready to develop your unique leadership persona of excellence, Build unshakeable confidence and self- belief  – with the skillset to support it this mentorship is for you.

From learning practical aspects such as how to obtain funding and investment, the secrets to gaining regular corporate contracts and being featured on exclusive supplier lists, Branding in an authentic way, Becoming an employer or getting freelance help, plus all the psychological and personal development you need as a black and Asian female entrepreneur.

Are You Ready To Elevate?


Singer, Single mum of 3 & Entrepreneur


”I received coaching with Dawn – The Diverse Leaders Coach last year.
To be honest I felt quite lost and a bit insecure with things I had gone through, but I was able 

to find my feet whilst being coached by Dawn.

This coaching wasn’t just progressional but personal and I can honestly say this it has helped me

 to find the tools to change my life for the better, not be so hard on myself.

I’m so grateful to have had Dawn be a part of my journey and look forward to working with her 

again in the future, I would definitely recommend her coaching.”

Rachel Blake 

Founder – Rachel Black Photography
”There came a point where I said to myself, I need to do something different or just forget
about running my own business.
Something different was Dawn
I was overwhelmed with everything and Dawn helped me create structure with the flexibility to tweak and make some real steps to making my photography business a business!
Dawn is truly the best coach Business is good, I tell ya!”

Sarah G 

Account Manage – Mind 


”Dawn was the saviour I never knew I needed.

As women and particularly women of colour, we don’t often appreciate how impactful having a coach or mentor with shared lived experiences is. Imposter syndrome was crippling my career, but with Dawns guidance I was able to see my ability for what it was, and learned how to use my difference to progress at work. As I continue my executive level journey I can only say I hope other professional women get to experience this same life changing impact

Get To Know Dawn

‘During my career, I have been fortunate enough to have had opportunities presented to me, but I didn’t always have the self belief that as a black woman I was being offered these due to my talent or tokenism. Impostor Syndrome led me to doubt whether I really had the ability to embrace the opportunities! I developed Diverse Leaders Coaching, to support the great work organisations are doing to create spaces and open doors to those who are currently underrepresented at executive level. I seek to be the change I want to see in the world, and it is my absolute privilege and honour to be part of helping address disparity for minority leaders in the UK and globally’

Dawn Morton Young signature
Years of

Payment Options:

(£1777 normal price)

(£333 normal price)

What To Expect

  • Get tailored advice and support for your business. 
  • Gain access to workshops, roundtable discussions and expert sessions. 
  • Benefit from the guidance of experienced professionals. 
  • Emotional benefits
  • Feel supported as you progress in your business. 
  • Forge connections with other ambitious women of colour. 
  • Learn how to overcome obstacles and achieve success.

Early Bird offer closes 23.59GMT on 31st March 2023

What's Inside?

    • Guidance, Support and Advice on Business

    • Bespoke strategies for the women of colour to enable recognition, increase their own belonging, and foster progression

    • Solution-Focused Roundtable Workshops: 

      • Self-Belief

      • Dealing with Mysogny, Microagressions and Discrimination

      • The Science of Procrastination

      • How to bridge the Culture Gap

      • How to make your voice heard

      • Assimilation and how to retain your individuality

      • Stereotypes, Bias and the Woman of Colour

      • Imposter Syndrome as a Diverse Woman

    • Guest Expert Sessions:

      • Becoming an In Demand Leader

      • Talent – both sides of the Pipeline

      • Tips for Black Women in Tech

It's Time To Make A Choice!

Are you ready to commit to yourself, to your success and join The Signature of Success?

Or will you choose to continue the way you’ve been doing this before?

If you’re still on the fence you can book a call to chat through the programme and see how it can change your life


I have so much faith and belief in this mentorship that I am offering a no questions asked 14-day money back guarantee. This means you can sign up to see if it suits you without any worries, let me take the risk as I believe in this programme whole heartedly.  If you decide within 14 days this isn’t for you,  just drop us an email at within 14 days of your purchase and let us know we will process this for you.


Mentoring is guidance and support from someone who’s been there before.  Advice from an experienced professional you can trust. 
Within The Signature Of Success you can lean on me when needed, as I not only help steer you in the direction of success but I’ll be your biggest cheerleader inside too.
From 1:1 calls to group round tables you will have my support and guidance for 6 months.
For coachees who would like guidance around promotions, work projects, and professional skills development. Dawn combines in depth expert practical and theoretical knowledge of processes, preferences, and politics of business progression to give bespoke mentoring on a practical level. Areas what Dawn’s mentoring covers includes:
Coaching can include multiple techniques and Dawn’s methods include:
Collaborative Coaching
Time Line Coaching
Immersive Techniques including her ‘Feel It Real’ method and scripting
From 1:1 calls to group round tables you will have my support and guidance for 6 months.

Mentoring programmes give you growth and expansion, they help you reach new levels in your business and personal development.
This programme not only offers you 1:1 sessions, and expert sessions, but also group community so you have support from new piers who understand your experience. 

Just click one of the Join now or Yes I’m ready buttons and it takes you to place your deposit to sign up.
You can also book a call with Dawn to talk through if this is suitable for you
If you’re stuck or confused drop us an email at and we will help you further.

This programme is specifically for Black and Asian women, if that’s you…you’re eligible!

No worries, we have a 14 day no questions asked money back guarantee.
This begins from our start date so if you get in, don’t like what we offer you have until the 14th day to drop us an email and get a refund.
Just send an email to and we will get that refunded for you.
The reason for this is we trust and stand behind this programme so believe this is worth the money and more!

Yes of course you can.
You can book a call HERE

I’ll talk you through any questions you have about this programme to put your mind at ease.

No problem at all. Replays for all calls will be within the community for you to watch and rewatch whenever you need.

Yes there is a 6 part pay to help this programme be accessible to all.

Dawn Morton-Young, a.k.a The Diverse Leaders Coach, is an Holistic Executive Coach to Underrepresented Leaders; a Diversity, Equity Inclusion and belonging Consultant & Trainer; a speaker, HR Consultant for SME’s;  owner of the 1st HR Consultancy for employees  – Employee Angels, and a Backing Vocalist and session singer. 

Having been seen in publications such as Forbes Magazine, The Telegraph, HR Magazine, Real Business and The Guardian, Dawn also writes columns for various media outlets and is a speaker on a variety of topics within the areas of personal and professional growth, HR Management and Diversity Inclusion and belonging, both in the UK and abroad. Dawn was recently awarded HR Most Influential Thinker 2021, and continues to influence both businesses and individuals in creating workplaces where belonging is paramount, and everyone has an expectation and ability to succeed.

Are You Ready To Join Your New Supportive Community of Successful Black & Asian Women?

Early Bird offer closes 23.59GMT on 31st March 2023
